Rolex Capri Sailing Week video above - Aerial view of Marina Grande! North of the main town of Capri & at the foot of Mount Solaro. Quantum Racing © 2014 Keith Brash
6 rescued from sailboat foundering off Cape May:"....The 68-foot sailboat had left Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on Friday and was headed to Nantucket, Mass. Harker said the rescue crew spotted the sailboat when they were about a half-mile away. On cloudless nights with calm conditions, visibility can be up to three miles, he said. With the helicopter lighting the way, the crew drifted toward the troubled boat. At one point, a Coast Guard member was lowered from the helicopter onto the sailboat, where he tried to pump out water. But the boat had taken on too much already....."
Yacht Freda's relaunch in Sausalito 125 years in the making - SFGate: "....This restoration, which took more than eight years and cost more than half a million dollars, was a complete rebuild. The Freda has new timbers, new planks and a carefully reconstructed main cabin. It is almost a whole new boat. But there is enough left to carry on a great San Francisco Bay tradition. "This," said Bob Darr, the project manager, "is the reincarnation of the Freda. We got her DNA." The Freda is the second ancient sailboat to be relaunched on the bay this month. The other is the cutter-rigged sloop Folly, built in San Francisco in 1889 and set back in the saltwater at the San Francisco Boatworks near the Ramp restaurant on May 10....."
Masters of the ocean: 20 hours aboard a world-class racing yacht | For The Win: ".... Daniel gives me a safety tutorial during out placid exit out of the harbor, the potential risks of the trip become even more apparent. “If someone falls overboard, the first thing we do is yell ‘Man overboard!,” he instructs me, as we weave along the small corridor in the back of the boat. He shows me which secure ropes are OK to steady myself on (the waist-high ones attached to the carbon-fiber body) and which ones aren’t (the ones attached to the sails or winches) as well as how to stay crouched when walking towards the front of the deck....."
Keep Your Keel On | Sail Magazine: "...The loads on a highly stressed thin-bladed bulb keel produced by a grounding may be too much, and the force will crack a weld or shift bolts. On a composite keel, the bulb may be dislodged from the composite fin or, if the keel has a long lever arm, the force may damage the hull or blade structure. And there are other problems not related to groundings. If the boat comes off a large wave, the hull-keel joint may be overloaded, potentially leading to hull delamination and keel failure.... "
Lafayette Sailing Club opens its docks
Journal and Courier
The club hosted an open house to attract new members to the organization, as well as to the practice of sailing. The Randa Sue's captain, club ...
SAILING: World's best set to Sail for Gold
Dorset Echo
SOME of the world's top Olympic and Paralympic sailors will compete for championship honours this week, as the 2014 Sail for Gold Regatta kicks off ...
UN teams up with top sailors to research oceans
Journal Review
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations is teaming up with top sailors to conduct scientific research in remote areas of the oceans during a ...
Dongfeng cruising at 20 knots during first day of Trans-atlantic crossing
My Sailing
After departing in light winds, Dongfeng is now sailing at around 20 knots of boat speed. The routing predicts an eight-day crossing for the 2,800nm ...
Great voyages: Record-breaking rowing, sailing, paddle boarding and kayaking around Australia
ABC Online
Jessica Watson became one of Australia's best-known sailors at the age of 16 when she set the record for the youngest person to sail non-stop around ...
SAILING: John Stoker on the right tack ahead of Round the Island race
Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard
Stoker, from Bourton-on-the-Hill, will be among some 16,000 sailors set to tackle the famous 50 nautical mile course around the Isle of Wight, ...
Come set sail and learn with members of the Lafayette Sailing Club during their annual open house on Lake Freeman near Monticello.
MIT Captures Fifth Place at ICSA Women's Sailing National Championship
and sophomore Lisa Sukharev-Chuyan (Temple, N.H.) in the B Division helped the MIT women's sailing team claim fifth place at the ICSA/Sperry-Top ...
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