VOR Redux: A Look Back at the Volvo Ocean Race, 2014-15 Edition - Life at the Extreme - Ep. 38 - 'Gambit' | Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 - published on Jun 30, 2015 - Leg 9 of the Volvo Ocean Race takes the fleet via a pit stop in The Netherlands. Leaving Lorient in France, the seven crews have to negotiate a tidal race - overfalls from the vast amount of water swooshing in and out of the English Channel – all against them at the time. Then they split to work their way around the Dover shipping channel, or Traffic Separation Scheme, which they cannot enter. Dongfeng Race Team, Team Brunel and MAPFRE take the northern gambit…
A look back at the Volvo Ocean Race, 2014-15 edition: Life at the Extreme - Ep. 35 - 'Wings' | Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 - Leg 7 of 9 of the Volvo Ocean Race is the final big ocean blast – 3,000 nautical miles across the Atlantic. Skirting underneath any floating icebergs in Titanic territory up north, the fleet then has to negotiate a huge windless hole mid-Atlantic – the Azores High. Some do well, some don’t.
Sailing NEWS:
Russian billionaire builds largest sailing yacht
Russian billionaire Andrey Melnichenko is building what is believed to be the largest sailingyacht ever built, at a length of more than 480 feet.
ChicagoNow (blog)
The International Sailing Federation and All Member National Authorities Support Polluting the ...
ChicagoNow (blog)
In 2006 the world learned that Rio de Janeiro was awarded the Olympic Games in 2016. At the same time, the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) ...
Daily Mail
Bristol Channel tourists rescued after buying child's dinghy and sailing five-miles
Daily Mail
This is the embarrassing moment two bungling tourists had to be rescued from a sinking dinghy while attempting to reach an island five miles off shore ...
Herald Palladium
Sailing school shares lessons far and wide
Herald Palladium
Seongwoo Kim steers her boat down the St. Joseph River toward Lake Michigan duringsailing lessons with the St. Joseph Junior Foundation on ...
Burton Mail
Manor Park Sailing Club near Kings Bromley is hoping to attract new members
Burton Mail
A SAILING club is hoping that a new partnership will boost interest in the sport. Manor Park Sailing Club, near Kings Bromley, Staffordshire, have ...
Quinte News
Sailing around North America
Quinte News
Sailing around North America ... Canal, and back up the Atlantic Ocean to Canada, bringing Macpherson's sailing miles to 50,000 nautical miles...
Businessinsider India
A Russian billionaire is reportedly building the world's largest sailing yacht
Businessinsider India
Russian billionaire Andrey Melnichenko is reportedly building the largest sailing yacht ever, according to CNBC's Robert Frank. The boat will be 482 ...
Sail World
Cream rising at Stena Match Cup Sweden
Scuttlebutt Sailing News
Marstrand, Sweden (June 30, 2015) – Local favourite Johnie Berntsson (SWE) and his Berntsson Sailing Team took full advantage of the champagne ...
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