Louis Vuitton America's Cup World Series, Bermuda, Saturday. October 17, 2015: Day One, No Wind, No Racing--Racing was abandoned on Saturday, setting up a Super Sunday with more points on offer than ever before on a day of racing at the Louis Vuitton America's Cup World Series, with up to three races on the schedule.
Introducing the Skippers - Louis Vuitton America's Cup World Series Bermuda racing - meet the stars of the America's Cup. Published on Oct 17, 2015
LVACWS Bermuda Preview - Beautiful boats, beautiful venue - Louis Vuitton America's Cup World Series, Bermuda
America’s Cup television’s Tucker Thompson previews the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series with expert commentators CNN Mainsail’s Shirley Robertson and Yachting World’s Matthew Sheahan, who give their hot tips for who to watch. Published on Oct 17, 2015
More info: americascup.com
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Tender Gunwhale Guards
Hi does anyone have an inexpensive way of fitting guards to the gunwhales
on a tinny which is used as a tender. I'd like to prevent accidental damage
to my...
1 hour ago