17 February 2015

Barcelona World Race, Volvo Ocean Race videos

Inside Track: Leg 4 #6 | Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 - Feb 16, 2015: War of attrition on boats and bodies as the wind and waves takes their toll on the fleet. Brunel has cashed in their chips for a good lead, but will it be enough with the doldrums coming up?

JohnTheCrowd | Sailing News: VOR: Volvo Ocean Race #VOR updates
Volvo Ocean Race Dashboard/Tracker

New Kid On the Block | Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 - Feb 16, 2015: Guillermo ‘Willy’ Altadill Fisher jumped onboard MAPFRE in Sanya, replacing Anthony Marchand for Leg 4. A young and energetic sailor, he’s also the son of one of the biggest Spanish names in offshore sailing. Willy is living one of his dreams participating in the Volvo Ocean Race - here’s his take on it.

News: "Barcelona World Race leaders Cheminées Poujoulat now have fewer than 10,000 miles to sail of the theoretical course back to Barcelona. The sub-tropical low pressure system which yesterday brought Jean Le Cam and Bernard Stamm 40 knot winds and 5m seas had today passed to the south-east..."

Barcelona World Race 2014-15 Tracker

Coast Guard rescues father and son sailors off Nantucket during storm
Cape Cod Today
Coast Guard crews responded to an offshore distress call from a 43-foot sailing vessel that was disabled and adrift in a winter storm about 150 miles ...
Coast Guard rescues four sailing from Beaufort to Florida - WCTI12.com
Coast Guard rescues sailors 140 miles off Nantucket - WCVB Boston

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